Core Values

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Core Values

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[fusion_dropcap boxed=”no” boxed_radius=”” class=”” id=”” color=”” text_color=””]W[/fusion_dropcap]hat are CORE VALUES anyway and what do we mean when we say that we have them? At Just Between Friends we mean those things that are deep at the heart of who we are and the WHY behind what we do and how we do it. One look at the JBF Communications Facebook page and this becomes so clear. Whether it’s photos posted by Franchisees of OTHER owners who have driven or flown to help them at their sale or a flurry of responses given to one another to help get through some tough situations, JBF Franchisees are THERE for each other—in so many ways. 
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Our Core Values

  • Relentless Optimism: We are hopeful, positive, and filled with faith.
  • Growth Focused: We are self-starters, bar-raiser, and goal-busters.
  • Open-handed Sharing: We are helpful, generous, and cooperative.
  • Innovative Problem-solving: We are creative, solution-oriented, and resilient

Champion Each Other

“I love this core value. I have reached out to so many owners for ideas or help during my event. I love that so many owners are willing to share what worked or hasn’t worked for them. New, fresh ideas to help everyone succeed!” • Dawn Swarts Escarga, JBF Franchisee of Denver, CO
Championing Each Other Means:
• We work together to GROW together.
• We believe the absolute BEST for one another.
• We stand up for each other and SUPPORT one another through hard times.

That’s what we believe it means to Champion Each Other. And this is foundational to our Franchise system.


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Obedient to our Faith

“…I believe our success can be attributed to following the core mission of JBF ‘to glorify God by bringing communities together in a welcoming, friendly venue.” said Sue Endle, Winner of the 2019 Franchise of the Year Award. Sue, like many of our Franchisees, finds her faith to be core to who she is and how she continues to run her JBF business.

For many JBF Franchisees, being able to practice and follow their faith was an important part of choosing this business as they were considering available options. Being obedient to our faith means we can work in a business that supports following the direction we feel led as a way to bless our communities. We support one another knowing that each of us is accountable on a level that is beyond that of running our community sale events.

Shannon Wilburn is quick to say, “This is God’s company,” meaning she see’s her role as CEO being one where she leads by following Biblical principals for success and actively seeks God’s direction and blessing for Just Between Friends.

“Being obedient in my faith means always having Christian ethics and morals and never compromising what I know to be right and true. Being a follower of Christ means our work is more than just a way to make money. It is an opportunity to use our gifts that God gave us and do our work to bless others. We must make sure the way we work represents our Christian faith so others will see His love and His light through us.” Stacy Ervin, JBF Franchisee of Chattanooga, TN

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Responsible to our Communities and the Environment

Being a Just Between Friends Franchisee means more than simply owning a business. There are SO many other options out there, but you chose to be a part of this Franchise System (and we are SO glad!). We often hear from our Franchisees that it’s the Community building, friendship making, life-changing aspect of JBF that is has meant the most to them. This relationship with the communities we serve is really a sacred trust. Our communities trust us to partner with them in raising their kids well by providing a clean, safe place where they can find what they need at prices they can afford.

And part of this value, too, is caring for our environment. 

“For me it’s something as simple as when you ask a shopper how they heard about us and they say from your charity. Our charity supports victims of domestic violence so after she said how she heard about us she said they helped her out in the past. I love to see the circle in my community.”  Amber Birmingham, JBF Franchisee of Denton, TX

Taking Care of our Planet: We believe in taking care of all that has been entrusted to us. A church in Oklahoma has a great phrase on the back of their bulletins: God made it; we take care of it. That’s a great way to look at our planet. We help give extra use to goods that still have much wear left in them. This reduces the waste that goes to landfills while also helping care for our treasured Charity Partners, too. Many families have come to depend on these partners as a way to make it through life during very difficult times. We have been blessed in so many ways. Being able to care for our communities and the environment are two of the wonderful ways we get to give back.

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Empowering Families

We believe everyone deserves to feel good about how they clothe and care for their families—no matter what their socio-economic situation may be. Everyone wants to feel good about providing well for those they love. This is a vital need of every caretaker—from parents to grandparents—and your Just Between Friends event does just that. 

Through each sale, hundreds of thousands of families across the country are able to purchase high quality items they might not be able to afford otherwise. While some families choose to participate with us because they enjoy the bargains or the environmental stewardship aspect, others rely on these sales to get by. Being able to not just get by, but to do so in a way they are PROUD of is EMPOWERING. 

Every sale, families are brought together, lifting each other up, providing a place for all to find community, caring, and belonging. And that kind of impact reaches way beyond sale season. That’s the kind of impact that changes lives in dramatic ways for the better. 


“When we bought our first franchise 11 years ago, we did so because we thought it was a good business opportunity. While this has certainly been the case, I had no idea the impact we would have on sooooo many people. Every single sale, someone will stop to tell me how they have used their earnings to do something for their family. This has ranged from IVF treatments to a Disney vacation and everything in between. Or, the Mom selling clothing to help with medical bills for her son’s cancer treatment. The culture we have created has lead to lasting friendships between sellers. Moms helping Moms and Dads buying in, too! Something you might not know about our events is our set up and breakdown team is comprised of a group of men who are in half-way house recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. They are the hardest working team on the planet and every day when they come to work, they thank us for helping them stay sober one more day…JBF has given them a reason to get up in the morning. I could go on and on—there are countless stories that fill my heart and even in the difficult moments these empower us to be a force for good. “❤️

Tracy Panase, JBF Franchisee of Western Mainline, Reading, Lancaster and Lower Bucks, PA

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❤️ a Great Bargain!

Just Between Friends sales are so much more than the great deals. On the surface this is about getting a good deal. But there’s a reason we end with this CORE Value that goes beyond the deals, straight to the heart of our business.

Just Between Friends is about providing great deals, yes. But once you have held that first sale, you know first-hand what it means to the families who count on JBF to make their budgets work. Chances are that it’s a big part of your WHY. Those who depend on your sale know they can shop and find really great prices. They can purchase items for their families—items they NEED and also, due to such great prices, many (most!) of the things they WANT, too.

So what’s that heart REALLY about then?

We believe EVERYONE deserves to feel good about providing well for their families—no matter how their current budget looks. Through your JBF sales, these moms, dads and caretakers are able to shop sustainably and with pride, as here, they can purchase items that perhaps they couldn’t afford otherwise. Think of the mom you’ll meet at your sale who will say, “Thank you so much for doing this. Please don’t ever stop.” Your sale will be a way for parents to feel good about the job they’re doing, raising their families the best way they know how. We are all for bargains and sustainability, but more than that, we are for strong FAMILIES and thriving COMMUNITIES.

For every one shopper who shares, there likely are many more who don’t. But know that you make a difference, one heart, one life, one family at a time. Why yes, we ❤️bargains—that’s because we LOVE our participating families so much more.

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